What distinguishes our company? High quality of the offered products, safety and timely execution of orders. We have a modern production facility in which we are able to make preparations of various forms. We also offer our Clients the possibility of different types of packing products including blister-packs, jars, and cardboard boxes. We employ qualified specialists who will ensure that we meet all the expectations of our contractors. As a part of the comprehensive implementation of services, we offer:
- Forms of production: hard capsule, vegetarian hard capsule, tablet, powder, granules, syrup, suspension, drops, soft capsule.
- Types of packaging: blister-packs, jars, small cardboard boxes, bottles
- Notification and Registration: dietary supplements, animal fodder blends
- Other services: development of product documentation and technology, notification and registration of products, purchase of materials, laboratory testing of products and ingredients of the product, organisation of transport. Submit inquiry